About Us DiscoverTripura is a premier News Portal powered by IT and News Media Professionals expertise in their respective fields. Our main goal is to deliver high quality news and reaching out to all parts of Tripura, India and abroad. Also involving public, government, foreign institutions so that discovertripura.com can function as a platform for many great initiatives, projects which will be helping the State and people. Apart from Tripura news discovertripura.com will provide extensive National and Internatonal news coverage. discovertripura.com provides state-of-the-art media related IT services in wide range of fields at minimum costs and maintaining Global Quality. We have excellent resource pool in India to provide the best IT & Media services in these sectors. Our Services at a Glance Web designing (both dynamic and static) Web Hosting Web maintenance Domain & Space Registration Data storage and Management Content deliver, design and Management For any suggestion or queries feel free to drop us mail at: discovertripura35@gmail.com
DiscoverTripura is a premier News Portal powered by IT and News Media Professionals expertise in their respective fields. Our main goal is to deliver high quality news and reaching out to all parts of Tripura, India and abroad. Also involving public, government, foreign institutions so that discovertripura.com can function as a platform for many great initiatives, projects which will be helping the State and people. Apart from Tripura news discovertripura.com will provide extensive National and Internatonal news coverage. discovertripura.com provides state-of-the-art media related IT services in wide range of fields at minimum costs and maintaining Global Quality. We have excellent resource pool in India to provide the best IT & Media services in these sectors. Our Services at a Glance