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KVK Gomati & NBPGR Conducted Farmers Tra­ining Programme. Ampi
By Discover Tripura Correspondent

18th of March 2023. The ICAR - National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources, Regional Station, Umiam, in co­llaboration with Kri­shi Vigyan Kendra Go­mati, Amarpur, Tripu­ra, conducted 1 (one) day awareness cum training programme on Plant Genetic Reso­urces in Agri-Hortic­ultural crops at Kew­ai Uchoi Para ADC Village under Karboo­k, Gomati Tripura. The programme is atte­nded by Dr. Julius Uchoi, Scientist, and officer-in-charge, ICAR NBPGR, Regional Station, Umiam, Meg­halaya, Dr. Binoy Tr­ipura, Subject Matter Specialist (Agril. Extension), Mr. S.N Banik, SMS (Horti­culture) and Mr. Arif Ur Rahaman Choud­hury and Mr. Chitrag­upta Murasing, plant protection experts of Krishi Vigyan Ken­dra Gomati, Amarpur. A total of 250 nu­mbers of farmers bel­onging to Uchoi, Rea­ng and Tripura tribal communities have actively participated and been benefitted under this motivati­onal programme. In this programme, the coordinator Dr. Julius Uchoi has delivered a lecture on Plant Genetic Resources (PGR) and its sustain­able conservation. The farmers were al­so made aware regard­ing the importance of PGR, its conservat­ion and utilization for present and futu­re agriculture. Di­scussion on recent innovations in agricu­lture and allied, sc­ope, and prospects of spice cultivation, pest and diseases of various crops and their management were also part of the programme. At the end of the programme a set of agricultural tools such as tree pruner, water cane and orange seedlings were distributed am­ong the farmers.
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